The first sign is that you will notice a significant slowdown of your computer. The usual everyday applications such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox that takes less than 2 seconds to start now takes anywhere from 15 to 60 seconds to start up. The slowdown usually stays even after a fresh reboot of your pc.
The second sign is the automatic termination of some applications everytime you run them. I have seen this everytime I tried to use Microsoft Word when my pc was infected. It also happens when you run any type of installers, specially antivirus installers. This symptom may not appear everytime a pc is infected.
The third sign is the denial of access to the registry
editor. To check for this, simply go to the Start Menu then select Run then type regedit. A message box will appear that says: "Registry Editing has been disabled by your Administrator." If you are the only user of your pc, then you are the Administrator. So if you don't remember disabling the registry editor, then your pc is infected.
The fourth sign is the denial of access to the Task Manager. Press ctrl+alt+del to invoke the Task Manager. If the message box that says "Task Manager has been disabled by your Administrator." appears and you don't remember disabling it, then most likely your pc is infected.
The fifth and final sign is the disappearance of the Folder Options. To check, simply right click on My Computer then select Explore. Alternatively you can also press the Windows Key+E. Look at the top of the window, Tools is between Favorites and Help. Click on it and see if Folder Options is present, if not then the malware must have disabled it.
There you have it, 5 signs that tell you to get that antivirus and firewall software now. Be sure to protect yourself before it's too late.
The author enjoys reading about the latest info on antivirus and firewall software. If you are having trouble deciding which software to get, then reading the author's info on antivirus and firewall softwares might help.