Best Antivirus Software - How to Decide on the Best Antivirus Software

By Jim Marshall

Antivirus and spyware infections have been on the rise for years. A recent CNN study actually showed that around 90% of computer have some form of virus or spyware infection on their computer. The most surprising fact was that many of these computer owners had no idea. Their antivirus software could not pick up on the malicious files causing harm to their computer.

All antivirus programs are not created equal. In fact some are close to useless. Many of these free virus removers are free for a reason. They create the illusion that your computer is safe. But this couldn't be further from the truth. The following are the most important features in deciding on the best antivirus software.

1. The software is constantly updated to protect against the latest threats. People mistakenly believe that their antivirus removers will automatically be able to detect new threats. THIS IS FALSE. Antivirus software is reactive, meaning it can only detect a virus after it has been updated to the threat database. If your software is not updating it's threat database then it is useless against the latest attacks.

2. Deep scanning of DLL, registry, and startup files. Viruses are very sneaky these days and attach themselves in hidden folders that can evade the detection of typical antivirus tools. Many of these viruses install all kinds of malware sometimes requiring a removal of 50+ dangerous files. The worst part is if any of these files are not deleted the virus will simply regenerate itself completely after the computer restarts. Full detection is a requirement of all the best antivirus software.

3. Real time protection. Detection and removal is only half the battles. One of the most important features is keeping those viruses from infecting your computer in the first place.

Computer viruses are a serious threat to your identity and system. Identity fraud is the #1 cyber crime in the world and viruses are the biggest cause. They use keyloggers and spyware to record sensitive information like passwords, credit card, and bank account numbers. Allowing these viruses to fester on your computer is putting you at risk of financial danger.

If you feel your computer may be infected or are just seeking protection against future threats then I strongly advise downloading an antivirus program that has all three of these features. Fortunately I have found such a program. Have a look and see what I consider the best antivirus software on the internet.

Tired of viruses infecting your computer? Want to surf the web with the peace of mind that your computer is safe and secure? Get your free scan from the top trojan virus remover on the market today!

Jim Marshall is an expert computer technician with fifteen years of experience in the industry. Since his own computer was destroyed by malicious software, he has been studying anti-spyware, adware, and malware systems for years. His website details the comprehensive results of this research, ranking the best anti spyware programs available.

Free AntiVirus Download

By David Van Den Berg

Avast Antivirus Used by Millions

A free antivirus download Avast antivirus program it is one of the most used and leading antivirus on the market today. Over 60 million people use avast compare to any other anti virus programs.

Avast is easy to download and run on any computer. With a few clicks the antivirus will load on a computer and be ready to start taking care of any virus and anti-spyware that is on a computer. Once Avast is on a computer and running the first scan could take a couple of minutes. Avast will automatic scan the whole computer to assure the computer has no virus or anti-spyware within any program, files, or disk.

After the fist scan is complete, Avast will continue to scan every kb coming in and going out of the computer. Avast updates daily for new virus and anti-spyware. Emails, no matter if a person uses gmail, Yahoo, MSN, Hotmail or another free email provider, once a person goes to the email, Avast will automatic scan all emails in the account and let a person know if the email is safe or not. The anitvirus program also covers outlook and other email programs on a computer system.

Avast antivirus scans all downloads coming into a computer and going out. Avast also scans the network on a computer coming in and going out to assure no virus, anti-spyware or other damaging file which could make a computer to work improperly.

When using an instant messaging Avast will scan the whole program before and while using an instant messaging program to assure no file or virus will sneak in a computer and take out files or important networking on a computer.

A computer needs to be secured without virus, anti-spyware or any other corrupt programs to protect a computer system and help with identity theft. Avast antivirus offers a professional free download for a trail period. Avast professional offers the same security as the home edition plus other programs to secure the business and office of corporations.

Take the time and opportunity today and use the free antivirus download to secure a computer and your identity.

Protecting Your Computer With Antivirus Software

By Richard John Evans

There are many antivirus software packages available on the market, but are they worth the hassle of downloading and the trouble of installing?

The constant threat of spyware and malware on the internet has prompted many computer owners into the only option of purchasing antivirus software. Antivirus software can be an expensive purchase but it can save you money in the long run.

Some people suppose that antivirus companies have financial associates to virus generators, to generate their own market, while there's in reality no evidence that we this is true. The problem with some antivirus programs is that it can cut you're your computer performance substantially. Users can disenable the antivirus protective cover to get over the functioning loss, consequently advancing the risk of infection.

Obviously the antivirus program requires to be enabled at all times-often to maintain 100% security. It very important to acknowledge that you should maintain updates for the software otherwise again your computer could be at risk. Not maintaining your updates could badly cripple your computer function and cause more damage.

It can be necessary to temporarily turn off the computer virus security when you adjust up major updates such as Windows Service Packs or updating graphics cards or computer drivers. Accepting antivirus protection functioning simultaneously as installing of a major update could hold back the update from installing right or even installing at altogether.

Once you do make up your mind to purchase antivirus software package, the agreement could include a clause that your subscription might be automatically renewed, meaning your credit card could automatically be charged at the time you're alleged to renew without you authorising it. For example, McAfee anticipates that you should re-subscribe to at least 60 days before the expiration of your existing subscription, if that's the case, the subscriber could argue the charges with the credit card issuer, only this course of action is believably to comprise of no assistance to you whenever in point of fact the subscriber had cleared such a "uninterrupted payment authority".

A few anti-virus programs are in reality spyware masquerading as anti-virus software packages. It has to your advantage to check that the software product which you are downloading is actually an actual antivirus program. A few commercialised antivirus software programs hold spyware, for example, the home/small business variation of a Norton Antivirus Anti-Virus 2008 demonstrates an advertisement for Norton Antivirus products whenever the desktop is unsecured after a time period while the computing device is not active. It might be no surprise when computer viruses that blight the desktop and the laptops will quickly transmigrate to mobile devices. Progressively sellers in this space are supplying solutions to combat this.

Antivirus programs arrive in a lot of various forms and array from low-cost to identical costly packages, however anti-virus software although costly at first is nothing compared to loosing all your data and having to buy a new computer. It is worth the expense, all you need to do is review the available software options and choose and download wisely.

Richard J Evans has been writing owns a antivirus software website and writes articles relating to technology in his spare time. You can find more about him at

Antivirus And Firewall Softwares - Signs That Tell You That You Need It

By Apollo Cole
Viruses and malwares can be a dreadful thing to have in your computer. These malicious programs are capable of stealing sensitive information such as bank account numbers, credit card numbers and passwords. They are known to be one of the major cause of identity theft online. Listed below are the five signs that tell you to get protection in the form of the top antivirus and firewall software now.

The first sign is that you will notice a significant slowdown of your computer. The usual everyday applications such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox that takes less than 2 seconds to start now takes anywhere from 15 to 60 seconds to start up. The slowdown usually stays even after a fresh reboot of your pc.

The second sign is the automatic termination of some applications everytime you run them. I have seen this everytime I tried to use Microsoft Word when my pc was infected. It also happens when you run any type of installers, specially antivirus installers. This symptom may not appear everytime a pc is infected.

The third sign is the denial of access to the registry

editor. To check for this, simply go to the Start Menu then select Run then type regedit. A message box will appear that says: "Registry Editing has been disabled by your Administrator." If you are the only user of your pc, then you are the Administrator. So if you don't remember disabling the registry editor, then your pc is infected.

The fourth sign is the denial of access to the Task Manager. Press ctrl+alt+del to invoke the Task Manager. If the message box that says "Task Manager has been disabled by your Administrator." appears and you don't remember disabling it, then most likely your pc is infected.

The fifth and final sign is the disappearance of the Folder Options. To check, simply right click on My Computer then select Explore. Alternatively you can also press the Windows Key+E. Look at the top of the window, Tools is between Favorites and Help. Click on it and see if Folder Options is present, if not then the malware must have disabled it.

There you have it, 5 signs that tell you to get that antivirus and firewall software now. Be sure to protect yourself before it's too late.
The author enjoys reading about the latest info on antivirus and firewall software. If you are having trouble deciding which software to get, then reading the author's info on antivirus and firewall softwares might help.

Free Antivirus Software

By dave4
The anti virus software market for the most part has been a thriving one. With new viruses coming up everyday, anti virus software companies were always assured of good revenues.

But things started changing with the advent of free anti virus software. Given free anti virus software may not be as good as their commercial counterparts but they nevertheless, are pretty good for most computer users. Most free anti virus software come with even advanced detection technologies. What’s more, these free anti virus software keep their virus signature database updated regularly like any other commercial anti virus software!

Many people are of the opinion that commercial anti virus software are rip-offs. Most of them require renewal of licenses every year by asking a user to pay certain amount of money. If licenses are not renewed, such commercial anti virus software would stop detecting newer viruses. Free anti virus software, however, does not require such renewal of licenses. They are free to download, install,

run and update as and when necessary.

One of the most popular free anti virus software is Grisoft’s AVG anti virus software. This free anti virus software is as good as a free software can get. There are no hidden malware and neither does one have to pay anything for using it. The virus signature database can also be updated without paying a fee! Unfortunately, this free version is however, meant for personal and non-commercial use only.

There are many other free anti virus software out there. Not all of them are however, good enough to provide proper security to computers. Some free anti virus software do not come with advanced detection technologies and therefore, may fail to detect different variants of viruses. Such free anti virus software are not simply worth anything. If you are planning to get a free anti virus, it is important you do some homework on the software. Check the reviews of other users to find out how good, in reality, the free anti virus software is before you start trusting it wholeheartedly!
The author is proclaimed software information aggregator. He publishes reviews on various freeware and shareware utility tools. Please visit the website to read more information on software tools and anti virus software and DVD burning software

How To Have An Effective Antivirus Installation

By Joshep4u
So, you are looking for ways to protect your computer from the attack of perilous computer viruses. And for this, one of the sure shot ways is antivirus installation. If you are looking out for buying installation services for the same, you must search for kind of services, pricing, and features you are getting along. In case you are not abreast with technical aspects of desktops and laptops, you may consider availing help from online computer support resources which are 24x7 available to cater customer’s requirements.

People generally try to download free antivirus software program from the Internet. But it can be risky! You should not rely on the working of free antivirus programs, as they are never updated. And antivirus software is completely futile without proper updates. Also, all antivirus programs don’t possess the ability to deal with every kind of computer viruses. Thus, it makes sense to have experts by your side to help your computer fight against internal as well as external

security threats.

You can also consider computer support professionals who will acquaint you with each and everything about perfect antivirus software. They can help you choose the program as well as install/configure/and upgrade it. There is some antivirus software which can affect efficiency of your computers and make them slower. Therefore, first know all the features of the software and then only buy it.

Antivirus installation is not the only service that you can avail from your computer support resource. There are several other companies which offer a complete array of PC support services for one flat rate. The best part of availing help from computer or technical support company is their 24x7 availability which is not to be found with local PC repair shops.

You just need starting your Internet and you will be surprised to see thousands of computer support companies offering you the best computer repair services at the most competitive prices.
Joseph John is a technical expert with iYogi. iYogi a Computer, virus removal and technical support vendor is the winner of Red Herring Top 100 Award. Watch this antivirus installation video and discover the excellence of Computer Support Industry.

Xp Antivirus Protection - How To Get Xp Antivirus Protection And Prevent Future Attacks!

By Jim Marshall
The problem with internet security is we do not learn to defend our computers until it’s too late. This is just the way it is, we are oblivious to certain things until we become effected by them. This is true with the dreaded XP Antivirus malware that is taking the internet by storm. Most people are not aware of the program until their computer has been infected, despite the fact that it effects millions around the world. Learning how to remove XP Antivirus Protection is extremely important.

If your computer has been infected with Antivirus XP Protection then you are probably familiar with the following symptoms:

• A “warning spyware threat detected” message keeps popping up while you web surf soliciting you to download the “XP Antivirus Protection” program.

• Your computer settings are altered including the desktop background. The worst part is the virus won’t let you change them back!

• Your computer starts getting the “Windows blue screen” and warning you that severe errors have occurred. A little hint for you, if this happens press the alt/tab keys. This will tell you whether it is real or not. Some tricky displays even make it seem like your computer is rebooting!

There are numerous symptoms of XP Antivirus Protection but these are a few

of the most popular. Although the malware is extremely dangerous, if you act quickly you can minimize the damage. A virus infection of this kind can steal your identity, passwords, and credit card numbers, while potentially corrupting your hard drive. When dealing with this deadly program there are two ways to protect yourself – prevention and removal.

To prevent XP Antivirus from entering your computer I recommend downloading the following three programs (all free)

1. Online Armor Firewall for defense.

2. Winpatrol to monitor active threats and programs to infect your system.

3. McAFee Site Advisor to properly avoid malicious websites that can inflict harm on your computer with a click of the mouse.

These three programs will go a long way in preventing XP Antivirus and other threats. But unfortunately no defense is foolproof and you will need program that can not only remove XP Antivirus Protection but also find other spyware, adware, and viruses inhabiting your computer.

Most antispyware and antivirus programs cannot detect the latest threats. But fortunately I have found one that detects all kinds of malware, keeping your computer safe and your private information secure. Scan your computer below and remove XP Antivirus Protection today!
Want to squash those annoying pop up ads and get your PC running like new? Come get your free scan and remove XP antivirus today! Jim Marshall is an expert computer technician with fifteen years of experience in the industry. Since his own computer was destroyed by malicious software, he has been studying anti-spyware, adware, and malware systems for years.

Antivirus And You

By Dave Saltonstall-16825

With a host of virus, mal-ware and spy-ware affecting computer systems worldwide, anti-virus tools are a critical component for PC users today. A computer virus attacks systems, affecting system performance, breaches security mechanisms and can wreck havoc on not only computers but entire networks. They damage files, applications and operating systems. Before the Internet arrived, computer viruses were spread through use of affected floppy disks. Now they can be spread through emails, documents or simply through networks. The nature of infection that they cause varies, depending on its nature.

Computer viruses can be classified into three main categories - virus that affects the boot sector of a computer, viruses that spread through macros and those that infect files. However, viruses are not the only ones affecting computer systems. There are other applications that can cause considerable damage. Examples include worms, adware, spyware, dialers, Trojans, etc.

They are executables that affect your system performance, can collect sensitive data and cause monetary damage or reputation loss.

Antivirus software helps to identify and remove all malicious applications including but not limited to viruses. They use scanning engines that can identify viruses by identifying the unique string of bytes that make up their composition. Most

antivirus tools also study patterns to compare them with known traits of viruses. In case of infections, they are able to repair the files and in cases where repair is not feasible, they can quarantine the files or offer the option to delete the infected files from the system.

Your chosen antivirus solution should be able to offer you protection, at the minimum, from viruses that affect the boot sector, macro viruses, Trojans, worms and viruses that affect files. The other factors that might influence your decision of an antivirus solution are the speed and accuracy of the application and the usability.
These differ widely amongst vendors and you can do a feature by feature comparison before deciding on the application.

In the end, do remember that it pays to keep your antivirus software updated. With each passing day, more viruses are being created and released onto the computer networks. Most antivirus application developers keep researching and updating their application with the release of any known new virus or malware. Antivirus applications offer automatic updates or prompts whenever a new patch is available. It is advisable to avail the menu based definition updates or to opt-in for the updates whenever prompted to do so. Being on the safe side helps and it does when it concerns critical data that rests on your computer systems.

There are many antivirus software makers on the internet, so it is best to use one you can trust, consult the expertise at before purchasing and they will direct you to a trustworthy, recommended product which suits your needs and price!