Antivirus Systems - The 5 Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy Antivirus Software

As the threat of computer viruses continues to grow, and antivirus systems try to keep pace, it is imperative to have a good program on your PC to keep your data, and you, safe. Basically, antivirus systems keep your vulnerable areas protected from attack, and detect and remove any viruses that have made their way on to your computer. They will scan emails for possible attached viruses, monitor files as they are downloaded, opened or created, and perform system-wide scans to detect any infections.

But what, exactly, makes up a good antivirus system? The answer depends on you, your computer habits and your level of experience, as well as on what you are willing or able to spend. But, there are some vital questions that you must ask before you buy or download any spyware blocker or similar program.

1. How often are the virus definitions updated?
Every new virus has its own signature. Security firms will create a signature, or definition, for each known virus, and that is how antivirus systems recognize new threats. Since new threats are being created every day, you must have an antivirus program that updates its virus definitions consistently and frequently. This is vital, because without constant updates, your data is vulnerable to attack.

2. By what method are the virus definitions updated?
Viruses spread quickly, and if you have only manual updates your computer may get infected simply because you went online before you checked for the latest updates for your antivirus system. Look for a program that updates the definitions automatically, every time you go online, so you know that you are always getting the latest, highest level virus protection without you even having to think about it.

3. Does the system allow scheduled scans?
Your computer can have a virus without you being aware of it. Often, an infection will hibernate, and have no obvious symptoms. The most effective way to remain virus free is to choose an antivirus system that can be configured to perform regular, scheduled system-wide scans.

4. Does the program dispose as well as detect?
Some systems simply detect viruses...they offer no way to actually remove them from your computer. You want a program that will snatch the virus, and at least quarantine it so that it presents no threat to your data. You should ideally be able to fully remove the virus from your system, so make sure you ask if and how the program does this.

5. Does the software have any additional security features?
For true internet security, it is often more convenient and economical to choose an antivirus system that has a suite of security tools. In addition to virus detection, protection and removal, look for spyware, phishing and spam protection. Also, ask if the program comes with a firewall. If you want parental controls, look for software that includes them...many do not.

Before you try or buy antivirus systems, you must know the facts. When you ask these 5 questions, you'll be able to narrow down your choices and choose the system that offers the best protection and performance for your data, and for you.

Computer Tips 101 - How to Remove Personal Antivirus Software

Sneaky programmers have introduced another gimmick that is bound to destroy the defenses of your system: personal antivirus. From the name itself, you can infer that it is some kind of antivirus only that it is not. It poses as a fake antivirus application which promises to help ward off infections from your computer.

But it has another hidden agenda: it's out there to slowly destroy your files, steal your information, and transfer this private information to an external host. Before you know it, your bank account has been depleted and you're left with a deficit.

Because it looks legitimate enough, this type of deception has managed to lure people into signing up for software registration. And so you enter your credit card information with no clue that you're actually falling into some awful trap. Once they have gotten hold of your credit card, the programmer behind this spyware starts using it up without your knowledge.

Don't let this happen to you. You can avoid this by simply downloading an antivirus program that has already built its reputation among millions of people. When you download an antivirus program, make sure you download directly from the main website. Don't get it from some links on a suspicious-looking website because chances are, that's some rogue application right there.

If you have already made the mistake of downloading it into your computer, don't freak out. There are ways on removing it, although it can take much of your time. But be patient, and soon enough your computer will be infection-free again.

1. Download a clean, legitimate antivirus program into a clean computer. You may use a USB to transfer the program into the infected computer, but make sure you have disabled autorun on both computers.

2. Disconnect from the internet. Stop all programs that are running in the background including all the browsers. You can simply unplug the internet cable from the back of your PC to immediately stop the feed coming from an outside source.

3. Most programs that are running under the name of spyware and adware actually have uninstallers in them. You can use this to remove them or stop the operation. Simply open up the Add/Remove Programs list from the Control Panel. And then select the suspected program and click remove. Reboot the PC so that the current action will take effect.

4. Then download the antivirus program that you have installed from another computer. After downloading, run a full scan, making sure that the level is set to the highest possible scan. It is best to run the antivirus program in the Safe Mode. This way, the infection would have limited powers during the scan.

Did you PC suddenly started running slow? Do you find that programs take a long time to load? You may be infected with a malware or spyware! However, you can get rid of them and have your pc running as brand new again. Go to and learn how you can clean your computer of viruses, spywares or malwares and have it running as brand new again. Learn how Get Rid Of Spyware Now!